Friday, August 15, 2008

6ABC's Erica Grow

While surfing I came across Erica Grow's facebook homepage. Good stuff! Check it out HERE.


  1. She's such an odd piece in the 6abc puzzle. Clearly, she doesn't belong there.

  2. It's a shame you feel that way...she is a non-prime time weather person who does a fine job...and b-u-tee-ful on top of it all.

  3. Jockey I agree with you, Erica does
    a fine job and is one cute lady!

  4. She is clearly uncomfortable on the air. She giggles at in appropriate times. Hopefully, she will become more polished and professional.

  5. I think she's a breath of fresh air in the local weathercaster world. She makes everything clear, she's engaging, and she doesn't take herself oh-so-seriously or have airs of being smarter than the viewer, unlike some of her competitors on other local stations who shall remain nameless. And yes, she's certainly easy on the eyes.

  6. 6ABC finally gets someone with real weather training (PSU is one of the top 3 schools for weather) and they fire her. Something odd going on at '6'. I'm guessing it is cost cutting after looking and listening to this and other changes in personnel. It couldn't be her performance on air.

  7. I miss Erica - she did an excellent job. They should have moved her to prime-time in my opinion. It's a shame they let her get away.

  8. Erica's replacement certainly leaves a lot to be desired. I no longer am a viewer of 6 after her leaving. Shame on you 6 for letting her go.

  9. I still miss Erica, she would be on right now! 6abc mess up

  10. we realy miss you on the weekend news. the person who replaced you is a joke. no personality at all.since you left channel 6 i nolonger watch action news .hope all is well in your adventures

  11. now at a station in CT

  12. We have her on Action News 8 in New Haven...She is Great...Ha Ha
