Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Up-and-coming Uhler

Channel 10 has a sprouting blossom on their hands in Jameson Uhler. Uhler has been seen anchoring on a fill-in basis for the weekend evening broadcasts as well as pairing with the polished Lori Wilson of the "10 Show" for the early morning "NBC 10 News Today". Uhler has demonstrated himself to be an accomplished reporter and with his anchoring under his belt definitely has anchoring in his future in my opinion. Hopefully, Channel 10 will pair him on the ten o'clock "MY PHL News at 10" to give him a start.


  1. Polished and Lori Wilson in the same sentence, that is a stretch.

  2. Y is that a stretch. Lori Wilson is polished. She does a good job.
