Monday, March 15, 2010

So Long to Another FOX 29'er...

Six year reporter, Robin Taylor, has been shown the door at FOX 29, unfortunately. Taylor, who was freelancing at the station since September, was recently told to pack her things and hit the door when management discovered she had irons in the fire in Pittsburgh.
For those who don't know the biz lingo, "freelancing" means you're working without a contract on an as-needed basis. Taylor had been at the station more than six years when her contract expired in September and was not renewed. They did, however, keep her services in a freelancing capacity. In need of a permanent position, Taylor pursued other opportunities and landed a Consumer Reporter position at Pittsburgh's WPXI beginning next month. Her intention was to continue freelancing until then to make a smooth transition from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. That was not meant to be, apparently.
FOX29 has done it again - - terminating another talented, competent employee. Sure does make one wonder where the head is of the powers-that-be at FOX.


  1. add her to the list then of the neverending people who have swung through their doors. no wonder they make no dent in the ratings. they don't keep anyone. GUARANTEED -- Thomas Drayton will not last either. Nor will Sue Serio. Not saying she shouldn't -- just saying its only a matter of time until I predict she's GONE.

  2. How long did FOX expect Taylor to continue working for them without a contract? The only decent thing about that station anymore is their reporters and Taylor is a good one. Best of luck, Robin.

  3. SOOO easy to look at!
