I thought this was an interesting tidbit I've heard a few times now and comes from the newsroom at Channel 6. The tidbit is the possiblity of a 4 o'clock "Action News" once Oprah ends her run in that timeslot. It certainly seems plausible...since local programming would be much cheaper to air than the cost of syndicated fare. Scuttlebut is that Brian Taff and Shirleen Allicot are being considered for the anchor positions. Both have certainly been groomed in the anchor chair recently, Taff moreso with Allicot filling in while Monica Malpass was on maternity leave.
Who knows if this is just rumor or actually fact. It's anyone's guess -- but -- is fun to entertain the thought. If this pans out, "Action News" will compete with Channel 10's "NBC10 News First at 4" as well as Channel 3's "Eyewitness News".
I have heard from Insiders about the possibility of a 4 pm newscast. It is not definite at all yet, but station executives are considering it. Also, a possible anchor is Erin O'Hearn.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it fun to entertain this thought? Local TV news is the worst programming on TV today.
ReplyDeleteOh dear, a subset of the population dares to like something Saint B doesn't. Thank you oh cultural guardian for saving us from the inability to do what we wish, and watch stations that didn't accept your resume.
ReplyDeleteOh no, the horror of people liking to watch stations that didn't hire our good buddy B. For shame, for shame.
ReplyDeleteIt is being highly considered. I believe this is going to happen. This is not a rumor.
ReplyDeleteEven though this is off topic, I would like to see Matt O'Donnell & Amy Buckman anchor one of the newscasts. Both began at the station awhile back and have been promoted since (Morning Anchor, Saving with 6abc reporter/producer) But I would like to see Amy Buckman anchor a newscast regularly.
Keep drinking the Kool Aid that local TV news directors are serving. There, open your mouth, that's right, let them pour it down your throat. The dumbing down of Ameerica continues with Mr. Pontificator of Lies striking once again. Hip Hip Hooray for Mr. Pontificator of Lies. Good for you to get those lies off your chest. I guess you never learned from your parents that lying is a no-no M. Pontificator of Lies.