CBS-3 bids farewell tomorrow to Doug Kammerer, the morning weatherguy for the 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. "Eyewitness News" and 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. "Eyewitness News on the CW" broadscasts. Kammerer is headed for D.C.'s NBC affiliate to become Chief Meteorologist beginning next Monday, the 23rd. Station co-workers threw Kammerer a going away party at a Spring Garden hangout last week and most notably absent was Kammerer's sidekick, Kathy Orr.'s Marnie Hall reports what I've also been hearing the last year -- that Orr and Kammerer did not see eye to eye more often than not. The problems began during last winter's once-in-a-lifetime heavy snows when station management decided to put Orr and Kammerer in "top billing status". Orr, the station's "Chief Meteorologist" had big issues with sharing her top billing with Kammerer which led to who got more facetime, who got to lead the coverage, etc. Once LaRosa accepted a position with The Weather Channel and departed the morning broadcast was when management found a solution to their problem by placing Kammerer in the morning weather slot, thus, separating the two. Orr and Kammerer never had much to talk about from that point on and there's been no love lost on either part. Orr's attitude is basically "don't let the door hit ya in the you-know-what", according to a few in-the-know.
It's quite a shame in that I preferred Kammerer over Orr any day and felt he was probably the best in this market since Rob Guarino was let go from FOX-29. I had high hopes KYW would bring on Guarino in Kammerer's slot but that wasn't meant to be with the newly hired Justin Drabick, who, lacks in the personality department.
Best of luck to Doug in his new job...keep up the great personality and the naturalness you display. You'll definitely do well in D.C.